Our research and development advancing the circularity of clothing and textiles
Solution 02: Fibre-to-Roading
Our collaboration with Scion, WSP NZ, NZ Transport Agency and the Ministry for the Environment converted textile fibres into a product for roading construction called StrengthTex. Currently cellulose is imported as an additive into our roads, meanwhile we have so much cellulose going to waste in New Zealand in the form of used cotton clothing, sheeting and towels. By using this source of cellulose not only can we reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and create a product that is fit for purpose on New Zealand roads, we can also reduce the carbon impacts of shipping cellulose from across the world. The first trial using StrengthTex occured in May 2022, on a section of road between Ghuznee and Buller streets in Wellington.
© The Formary® + © UsedFULLY® 2019

01. Overalls/fabric

02. Roading cellulose

03. Roading

Solution 01: Fibre-to-Fibre
In partnership with Moral Fibre and Air New Zealand, using green chemistry we proved that we can create recycled PET from polyester clothing. Transforming the iconic Air NZ Koru dresses into recycled PET which can then be used as a raw input for any useful plastic based product from furniture to keyboard keys.
© The Formary® + © Usedfully® 2016

01. Air New Zealand polyester fabric

02. Dye extraction process

03. End fabric material

04. Recycled PET

UsedFULLY® Resource Management Platform
The UsedFULLY® platform generates data on the environmental & financial impacts of clothing at the end-of-use for optimal resource management. At point of sale clothes are registered on the platform, when garments are decommissioned, the UsedFULLY® platform connects these resources to reusers and reprocessors, generating metrics on volumes reused and the associated environmental impacts.
© The Formary® + © UsedFULLY® 2019

Fibre Scanning Equipment
Using spectroscopy we can now validate the composition of textiles, using a handheld scanner which operates in the wavelength range of 900nm to 1,700 nm. This small device means we we can test, validate and provide reports on the composition of textiles and fibres. We offer scanning services at a fraction of the cost of lab testing.
© The Formary® + © UsedFULLY® 2019

01. Spectrometer

02. Scanning fabric composition

03. Composition report

On the Mend
To drive behaviour change, we created On the Mend, a community-focused education series, where basic sewing and mending skills are taught free of charge (so all socio-economic groups are included). The purpose of On the Mend is to teach community members how to extend the life of their garments and to raise awareness of the environmental impacts of clothing. By increasing skills and knowledge, participants are empowered to repair their clothes – saving resources and carbon emissions associated with purchasing new, landfilling or offshoring clothes.
© The Formary® + © UsedFULLY® 2016